24 December 2009


When I was a child, Mr. Benny was my sleeping partner. He slept under the covers at my feet. I pulled my knees up to my chest to slumber for touching the grumpy rabbit with my toes resulted in a sharp nibble. I found great comfort in being miserable.

Recently while walking through my neighborhood, I came upon a unrealized rabbit. I imagined there was a time when this rabbit was unsoiled and proudly waited on a store shelf for adoption by the love of a child. As I contemplated the face down rabbit, the winter breeze delivered Skin Horse's whisper, "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become real."

My ipod randomly selected "River" by Joni Mitchell from her "Blue" album. "It's coming on Christmas, They're cutting down trees, They're putting up reindeer..."

14 March 2009


Art is evidence of civilization. When art thrives, civilization thrives. When art is diminished, civilization falters.

21 January 2009


As a child I learned to fly in my sleep. I spent a great deal of my attention during the day working out my fight plan for the pending nights flight. Hours went by as I practiced going fast, diving, gliding and lifting off. I did not know I was consciously being awake during my sleep. To me, it seemed it was a matter of creating the right conditions or circumstance. If you had to call it dreaming and knowing it was possible to create your dream in advance was not possible to create the dreaming when awake?

I have seen a great deal of death, people, animals, what have you. Many times I have held the body as it changes from alive to not alive. I witness the shift of awareness from in the body to without. I have come to believe this body we have is the dream and when we are without it we are awake and we can fly.

This past week my relation left the body, my friends relations left the body, the bird in the yard left the body. Only now can all three truly fly.