17 September 2006

Bullet Holes

Bumper stickers are a declaration of a persons thoughts, beliefs or need to advertise or persuade. A person goes to a store, finds just the right message with adhesive backing they wish to share with the world, and places it on the back of their automobile somewhere. The more passionate one is about the message, the more stickers. Some people go to the trouble and expense of creating their own bumper sticker. The desire to communicate with a stranger is fulfilled somehow with a bumper sticker. Most of the time the sticker is placed with great care and thought. Sometimes you will see one or several which seemed to be applied with the precision of a sling shot. -- Not long ago I was sitting at a stop light, waiting for green. The expensive, well cared for pickup in front of me had what looked to be bullet holes in the tailgate. Closer inspection told me these were stickers, made to give the illusion the vehicle had been pierced by bullets. I wondered what kind of person would want to fool people into thinking they had been the target of hate. The light changed and the pickup moved forward exposing the disabled veteran license plate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Brother,

How did your Exhibition go? or is it still going?

I send you my best!

Anyway, what a well written piece. While I also liked how you found out who'd ride around with bullet holes. You know something, that's why I had hoped that our soldier in I AM, would fumble as he repaired his purple heart, rather than rolling a joint.

Many blessings,

Bro. Doug